Monday, January 9, 2012

Photo of last Week



It has been nearly a year that I finished my 365 and as 2011 came to a close I was finding myself considering doing another one. I found that I have become much more reluctant to take my camera along and hadn't really done much photography in December. But a 365 is a rather big commitment- and I still haven't done anything with the one I finished. {which brings me to the question; What do people do with their finished 365?} I did consider for a brief moment to do a 365 on my iPhone-- but as much as I love iphoneography, I think of it as a fun toy...and felt I would spoil my fun by putting pressure onto it. So I kind of forgot the subject. Until after New Year I looked at some of the finished 365 Projects some flickr friends had done... which gave me the idea to take a photo a week! And it turns out I am not the only one.. there is a group on flickr. And Cindy is joining in too! {I am especially looking forward to hers!}. Why don't you join us?!

So here is the first of hopefully 52 photos.
I think it does actually describe my week perfectly- pretty good but nothing specific


Cindy said...

love this photo and really looking forward to seeing your pics as we go along and this group. one photo a week sounds great to me.

lots of people turn their 365-projects into a book or even a calendar if you're a very good editor.

have fun!

jane said...

love this shot. i don´t care what you do- just as long as you don´t stop! you are one of my favorites!


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