Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Corner View


It's the first anniversary of the Corner View. In honour of it, I am following Jane's & Pien's lead and doing a give-away as well. Just leave a comment and a randomly chosen winner will get one of my photo prints.
I found it a bit difficult to make up my mind which was my favorite post, so I drew lots and this one won. Which by the way, I do really like.Do follow me on a celebration tour through the world .To many more wonderful glimpses into corners of our lifes!


Bichos da Matos said...

yummy! perfect cakes to celebrate;)

Line said...

cupcakes perfect to celebrate!!!!!

isabelle said...

this cakes look so good!

Ritva said...

happy anniversary to you too!
let´s enjoy!

jane said...

can you just stick one of those in a little box and send it to me... now! :) and thank you for the giveaway! hugs! p.s. i remember your post:)

likeschocolate said...

I love cupcakes! Happy Anniversary to you! Have a lovely week!

magnusmog said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Cacahuete_sr said...

Yum! these look amazing!

la ninja said...

happy cornerviewersary to you too.

Cindy said...

happy anniversary! i've enjoyed seeing your corner view and love chocolate cupcakes and wonderful photos of them!

;) said...

J'adore !

Happy anniversary (yum yum)

avant garde design said...

cupcake envy for sure :0) i too think you have a fabulous style. you notice things, you see the beautiful texture in yarns, flowers, architecture. you are awake. you are talented. and i enjoy your blog!!!

La cuisine de Myrtille said...

It was really difficult to choose a favorite CV and the one that won was very difficult too :-)

nathalie et cetera said...

i don't participate to corner view but i always enjoy it on other blogs. happy anniversary corner view!

Lollipop said...

they look delicious!


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