Monday, March 29, 2010

Review of my Week


Review of my week -W12

while the week started great- Monday was a public holiday, and I went to Kirstenbosch, taking photos dotted with internals of lunch, coffee and the Parlotons concert
Tuesday brought first clouds and a blocked mind. The weather stayed cloudy and honestly it makes me depressed.
Thanks to the good advice of all of you, I managed to get myself creating and making jewellery again.
Wednesday had ladies luncheon,
Thursday coffee with a friend, library visit and sourcing down some supplies,
Sunday, girls coffee in the morning, working, afternoon coffee and cake at Mint and a long stroll with my camera in Company was that the sun was back!
I am looking forward to the coming week, got a few ideas and an arrival tomorrow! What are you looking forward to?


Leenie said...

A better end to my attempts at capturing The Northern Cascades in Washington State on paper. Best wishes to success with your jewelry.

Julie said...

Glad the sun got to shining at weeks end! It is raining here now this morning! Inspiration is such a funny thing...I try to figure out how it happens...I suppose it is just an unexpected pleasure whenever it does!

Cindy said...

i'm glad your week evolved for the better and you rid yourself of the creative block that happens to all of us.


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