Monday, July 28, 2008

First Jewellery Blog!

After moping around about not being able to make Jewellery due to a lack of space and a studio-  I decided to ignore the problem and build up a makeshift studio in the middle of my living area in my apartment-( I was very tempted to photograph it but then decided that most people aren't interested in my very pleasing creative production place)
Here is the first result from this decision:


I am quite pleased with it. Its not quite finished- i have to go and get eyelets and then hammer them into the leather and connect it to the chain- which will take me 5min to do.
But i couldn't wait to blog it! Am so pleased that I can finally make some jewellery again, and looking back now- I'm not sure what i was waiting for! 
My inspiration was from this:


Remember my Waterplay Photos?
I used semiprecious stones and hand forged the silver links. The big round bead is a handcrafted ceramic bead i found last year in fact. 

To be creative was always a need for me- I am not happy if I can't do something, I always scribble and make stuff, even when I was studying Chemistry, I was making stuff, drawing and painting. And get all this ideas just walking around town- some of them are a bit unrealistic i have to admit.
Still i find that nothing is more pleasing to me than making jewellery- even though i crochet,knit, draw and take photos- i miss making jewellery when I'm not making any. I love working with silver the most, I love the quality of the metal and got a good feel for working with it. I discovered that each metal has its own distinct qualities and find that silver resonates the most with me. I find that the materials one works with are very important- so i only work with pleasing yarns and wool when i crochet or knit as example. Firstly i often end up making very work intensive projects- and fin it a shame to invest so many hours and not use the best materials i can get, but secondly i love good quality materials- I'm one of this people who can walk into a shop and be excited about something because it feels sooooooo good when you touch it! :) Which is precisely why my best friend calls me a snob- i cant buy any item that doesn't fulfill this criteria. 
Then also i got to admit i am a perfectionist and choosing good materials to work lifts the quality of the end product. But i love hunting down and searching materials and the getting them is nearly as important to me as working with them. 
anyhow here is a close up on the chain and its elements. Hope you like it! 
Oh yes I don't have a name for it yet...will think up one and am open for suggestions



Anonymous said...

I love reading about the inspiration behind the project. I love that you have a 'need' to be creative [even whilst studying Chemistry!]. I love the necklace.

Anonymous said...

PS: I also love that you're a "snob" - because I am one too! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow - that is just stunning! I love how you got your inspiration from that photograph, and I can kind of see how you went from one to the other. I agree with Nora, it is lovely to see the inspiration behind the project.

Unknown said...

I love working with silver the most, I love the quality of the metal and got a good feel for working with it. I discovered that each metal has its own distinct qualities and find that silver resonates the most with me. There are different jewellery available in silver jewllery like Diamond Engagement Rings, diamond earrings etc..


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