Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Food Love


I love food. I love making food, too. Really I do.
I like having time to prepare scrumptious meals. Taking time only concentrating on making the best with good ingredients is somehow meditative for me. It starts with getting good ingredients (the best I can afford always), getting my recipes together then chopping, stirring, cooking or what ever needs to be done. And lastly sitting down with loved ones and enjoying it.
I have been making sourdough bread for the last month again- it has been quite an adventure actually- getting the bread just right is not as easy as I thought it would be... but I more or less have worked out how to get a pleasing result (I should mention: I am quite fussy about my own cooking/baking)
Maybe due to that I have been looking at a lot of food photography and food blogs ... there is a whole world of amazing goodies to be discovered out there..

Here are some of my favorites:
  • Canelle et Vanille : love Aran's food photography and styling and her recipes are gluten free yummies!
  • City of Dionne: Dionne has a wonderful mix of fashion, girl things, gorgeousness and good food. Its a good read to your recipe...She shares her most scrumptious recipes on fb
  • What Katie ate: a foodie photography blog is what it describes itself as... beautiful photography that leaves me always hungry and craving but also inspired and excited about the recipes...

Any foodie blogs you love visiting?


Cindy said...

the bread looks fantastic! i must admit that i enjoy watching/reading what others make vs. doing too much of it myself these days, but hope to reverse that this year. tartlette is a beautiful food blog - http://www.tarteletteblog.com/

Kristina said...

If you like food blogs, than you should take a look at Joy's blog:
http://www.joythebaker.com/blog/ It's funny and I love it! Have a nice day!


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