Friday, December 16, 2011

It's a boy!

baby boys

There is a lot of baby knitting going on around here lately. As mentioned before.
And I am really into making money-buttons! {will blog about it later}

Top Cardigan is for Carle's Baby boy {details here}
It's a simple top down cardigan {make the pattern up as you go}
I used the old RSA 20cents buttons - since she gave me the idea of money-buttons anyhow

Second Cardigan is going to England. A dear friend had just her first baby {details here}
I followed this pattern
I used old RSA 2cents from 1985 -which is the birth year of the mummy

I am all done with the baby boys...moved on to the baby girls watch this space...


avant garde design said...

so super sweet, and i love the button idea!! have a relaxing weekend my far away friend ;)

Julie said...

what a beautiful cardi! and I love the buttons. Very clever!

nathalie et cetera said...

lucky babies! these look fantastic!

jane said...

they are beautiful! when i visit- you have to teach me to knit! :)

mikka said...

So sweet - I love the buttons!


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