Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My Creative Space




There is a lot of baby surprise knitting going on at the moment.... {it honestly seems like most of my friends are either pregnant or getting married!}
This one is for a little boy - which one could guess from the surprise there
I made the buttons from old South African 20cents coins {Please excuse the big grin- I am rather smirking at my cleverness there}
I only got one little bit to finish, before it will leave Cape Town in a little packet (hopefully) by this weekend...

For more creativity visit Our Creative Spaces.


Cindy said...

lucky baby and the coins are fabulous! enjoy your weekend!

Jackie @ Fred-and-Cissy said...

Love the coins as buttons - did you drill holes in them, or buy them that way?

Dionne said...

I wish I could knit properly! And I loving that blue!


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