Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monochrome Wanderlust









The enjoyment of pottering around the city and snapping monochrome moments was a discovery I made during the Soccer World Cup last year... and while traveling I rediscovered my passion for it.
The stripping of colour makes it easier - at least it seem like that to me- to try and depict an essence of something- a scene, a moment or whatever I discover in the movement of the big city. There is just something defining and deep when one switches off the colour -- and captures the moment (or at least tries to). Suddenly I don't only see colours and details-- I sees events (we speaking about second long ones) . I think that's what makes my monochrome photography different to my 'normal' photography.
In the anonymity behind the lens watching life unfolding in a city,  one discovers a lot about a place and I feel I connect with the momentary happenings much more.
AND every time I take monochromes I find myself desiring to be a better photographer-- which I guess is a really good thing!


Cindy said...

your monochromes are wonderful and i really notice the patterns & textures. i agree, there's no where to hide once you remove the color, which does make you a better photographer.

Anairam said...

Yes, there is something so special about b&w photos, isn't there? Istanbul looks like a fascinating city. It is actually on my list of places to visit one day, but first comes Paris, then NYC, Stockholm, Amsterdam .... sigh ... all places I haven't been to.
PS Hope your previous week of bad luck has been replaced by a great week, sunny in spirit if not in skies!

Unknown said...

it looks like a wonderful city to visit!!

cashmerecafe said...

Oh, I love Istanbul! Thank you for these beautiful photos - they bring memories of lovely summer weeks we've spent there.


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