Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Starting the new decade!


I have been on a one month holiday ( to be exact it has become 40days)... and I dont seem to be able to drag myself to back into the routines of daily life!
I am back in Cape Town, most of the first wave of holiday makers have left the Cape and every single person I know is back to normal- except me!
I was determined to start working last week- but there was the Cricket Test Match, hence I spent my days in the Cricket Stadium rather than making Jewellery. Having had another of my insomnia episodes after that I felt it was ok to take it slow. I got into some mystery novels that are set in Egypt at the beginning of the 19th Century. Instead of sleeping I have been reading...
Then Yesterday as I was standing at the cue in the library taking out my 5th book of the said novels - I promised myself that my summer holidays ARE over.
I did quite well with getting things done yesterday. But I had a little fall back today- its called novels at the pool.... for the entire day!
Well I am definitely trying to be better tomorrow... will be back with the corner view
Happy New Year to all of you!


nathalie et cetera said...

welcome back!
It seems yuo needed the rest!
What's the title of those novels?

Christie Minchew said...

I wish my indulgences were books ...instead of chocolate in any form :). It sounds like you need the time entertaining your brain. If you try to force your creativity, it may backfire. But then, maybe your creative brain needs a little nudge to get the momentum. Gee, I guess that wasn't much help! I do hope you are back in the creative swing of things soon (and the sleeping thing soon!).


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