Monday, September 13, 2010

Review of my Week

Review of my Week - W36

or rather of the last couple of months!
They have been hectic. They offered it all, from nursing to traveling and from solitude to family bliss, from being at home to working everyday - I had it all. Sadly the blog life suffered. But life happens I guess, if we like it or not.
So here you go -the super short recap, because if I should go into anymore it will be a very very long post. I will however definitely share my thoughts on home and other things I have been reflecting on- oh and a few creative things in this week and I am hoping that now I am back to normal - at least around here. Since I love keeping in change... I am off to Kirstenbosch to indulge in the Cape Spring- see you later ,folks


Cindy said...

you have been busy. it happens. love all the pretty in pink images in this set, especially the bird.

Line said...

welcome back!!!!


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