Monday, April 12, 2010



The shawl was finished a while back, but due to the weather it lay dormant in the wardrobe. The other night there was an autumnal chill in the air, so I suddenly remembered it. With the season change, it will become a most likely regular companion.

Yarn: Nurturing Fibres Classic Sock Yarn, 4-ply, super wash wool
Yardage: 440yd
Pattern: done by me (i am quite happy with it, especially since it is my first own pattern)

This is my favourite yarn- the weight and the texture are amazing. Done all my socks with it- doing a shawl it is even more amazing, the drape is beautiful and its soft and non-itchy. And the fact that the yarn is a one of a kind, that was dyed by hand with much love and care makes it even more special.

sneak preview on the next knit:


I seem to have fallen into the 'lets cast-on stuff before finishing started projects' trap. Got 2 pairs of socks, a lace shawl and a cardigan on my needles!
Decided that the wild-cast-on approach is not the way to go, it doesn't really produce much end results so am concentrating on the cardigan... hope I will finish it soon, its lace weight silk, so have to hurry up otherwise it might be to cold to wear it.
What crafty things have you been doing lately?

if you feel like a bit of green and lilac visit the enchanted garden.


la ninja said...

oh my. that's just bloody gorgeous.
shame I cannot be arsed to knit myself :)

Leenie said...

Yes, gorgeous. And way past my ability. The only practical thing I can do with yarn is to tie quilts. I also find it good for making cat toys and a colorful substitute for twine.

nathalie et cetera said...

he he ! it's a good thing you have lots of needles!
love the shawl! so delicate. beautiful!

Cindy said...

the shawl is so gorgeous! you are such a wonderful knitter!


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