Friday, July 10, 2009


I finally overcame my laziness and joined the week word. I have been admiring Amiee's version of countless words for weeks now, asking her every now and then what the word was, just to chicken out or get lazy, and now I finally did it! 

Well here is 


Simply how I felt this morning- to lazy to get out of bed... when it is rainy outside it makes me lazy and I feel like cuddling up in bed under a heap of duvets.

Nathalie chose the word this week, and she has published list of all the participants. It's really fun to see the different results...


Lotte said...

Nice way to spend laziness ; I´m hanging out in my sofa in two seconds...hihi

Cindy said...

laziness never looked so cute. have a nice weekend!

●• Thereza said...

awww lovely!


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