Sunday, February 8, 2009

A tale of the past Week


Review of my week 6

While my week started as usual, it came to a complete change by Tuesday. O phoned me mid-morning and said, that he would be going to Johannesburg- which is pretty normal, he has to go often on business trips- but then he said don't you wanna come with? My initial reaction was weary. I hadn't been in Johannesburg for years, and was wondering what I should be doing while O is working. I told him I'll think about it. 
But as soon as i hanged up the phone it hit me- there was me saying how i want to get out of Cape Town how I wanted to go on a trip and then when i got the opportunity to do so- I was thinking about?? Well, the decision was made! To my delight I found out that we will be driving down a car for a friend. I love road trips.
I will post about it a wee bit later...
Yesterday afternoon I flu back to Cape Town. Since my arrival I have been thinking of the week ahead and have many thoughts about the trip swirling around my head.
This week was a very quiet one in blog land for me- I will be reading up all your blogs now... - but I have many posts planned for the coming one. Including a little feature on The Glass Doorknob, Shari's wonderful blog and something about restaurants. Oh and yes I would like to somehow squeeze in my thoughts, just let me order them a bit, they still swirling at the moment.
Have a great weekend - will be back shortly

1 comment:

blue moss said...

how to fun to have an unexpected adventure :)
beautiful photos!


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